Trinity College Remote learning portal

Living. Learning. Community

This portal was developed rapidly, in response to the COVID-19 crisis in Term 1 and 2 of 2020.
Whilst it is currently not in use, it remains on our website to view, as evidence of the high quality education we strive to provide to all students in all circumstances, utilizing technology to enhance education. For example, this time helped shape our current Learning Management System in High School


The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) advised on the 3rd April 2020 that early childhood education and care (ECEC) services are essential services and should continue to operate with appropriate risk mitigation strategies. The Trinity College Kindy, as all Kindergartens, is an Early Childhood education centre, and will therefore remain open for any parent who wishes to send their child to Kindergarten. We completely understand that there are some parents who do not wish to send their Kindergarten children at this time, and you have our full support in this.

Therefore, we will continue to provide a Kindergarten program as normally as possible, with appropriate risk mitigation strategies in place. For those parents who wish to keep their children home, the Kindergarten Teacher will continue to provide home-work packs, which will be available for collection each Friday, along with an opportunity for parents to drop off the previous weeks’ work pack.

On the 17 April, in his video announcement, College Principal Mr Stephen Babbage announced that thanks to Government funding, we will be providing Kindy fee free for existing families on a standard 5-day fortnight enrolment. Parents whose children are enrolled 10 days a fortnight, will still need to pay fees for the other 5 days.



  • We have developed a special COVID-19 Risk Assessment Policy in addition to our Emergency Procedures Policy, outlining the additional measures we will put in place at Kindy from next week. This policy will be published on Storypark and also emailed out to families. Families will need to sign confirmation that they have sighted this policy and we invite families to give feedback on this policy. Key concepts in this policy for families are:
    • Family members dropping students off at Kindy will sign them in as normal in the sign-in book, but will need to bring their own pen. If you don’t have your own pen, staff members will sign children in.
    • Family members will not be allowed inside our room during this time. Staff will open the door from the inside, and collect students from families outside the door to bring them inside.
    • Children’s temperature will be taken and recorded before entering the room
    • At the end of the day, staff members will let students out when families arrive for pick-up.



  • The program will be shared online through Storypark for all families to view and engage with. Videos of, as well as inks and references to resources will be included in the shared program for families to access.
  • The program will run over five days a week, instead of five days a fortnight. All families will have access to all days of the program although it is not expected of children doing online learning to engage with the program outside of their normal Kindy days.
  • A normal Kindy day runs over three sessions:


  1. Morning Session – 8:45 – 10:20
    • Morning Devotions, Rollcall, Sunscreen, Outdoor Play
  1. Middle Session – 11:00 – 12:15
    • Indoor/Outdoor Exploring Time
  1. Afternoon Session
    • Rest Time – 12:50 – 1:30
    • Outdoor/Nature Play – 1:30 – 2:30

       Morning Tea Time is from 10:20 – 10:50

       Lunchtime is from 12:20 – 12:50

  • As we would like to continue to extend on children’s spontaneous learning happening at home, we invite families to put photos, stories or videos on Storypark of what the children are doing/interested in at home.
  • During online learning, the aim is for children to engage in at least three activities per day, one in each of the sessions, on their normal Kindy days.
  • Activities students engage in can be from the plan or spontaneous activities and evidence of their learning can be returned to Kindy by either posting a photo and description of their learning on Storypark, or emailing it through to, or bringing activities in to Kindy on Fridays when new resource packs are collected.
  • Resource packs with all resources needed for the next week’s learning connected to the Storypark plan will be made up for children learning from home.
  • Mrs R will relieve me on Wednesdays in the middle session, and during the afternoon sessions on Tuesdays to Thursdays, to allow time for preparing the online program and supporting families and children doing learning from home. If your child is learning from home, please do not hesitate to let me know if you need to schedule in a specific time for me to connect with you for support.



  • Resource packs can be collected from Kindy on Fridays between 8:30am and 3pm.
  • If your child received a resource pack at the end of Term 1, but will be returning to Kindy this week, please keep the resources at home for them to continue using it in their learning on non-Kindy days if they choose to, but please send the glue stick and playdough with them this week to use at Kindy as each child will be using their own